I remember being asked what I wanted to do and I answered that someday I wanted to incorporate creativity in everything I do. This was about 6 years back and that time I wanted to sound cool, also this idea was something like window shopping, you know when you see some thing and feel that it would be nice to have. It felt nice if I could do it.
From that to today there were times when doughts arised about my creativity, but I felt it in me all the time. Today creativity is why I earn money. Creativity is what make me happy. Creativity is how I escape through tight spots. I have creativity incorporated in my life in a ways I did not forsee that time. I have not fully realised that dream yet. But I see and feel myself being lead there. Thus I am in a way satisfied with my life today. With all the ups and downs in it. Although I have no idea what is instore for me tomorrow!